Background Information
TODO: A lot.
- Tile and palette animations
- Jyotyu palette table
- Parallax tables. Probably one listing the types BGs use, then several detailing those types?
- Backgrounds with other special properties (e.g., Underwater, Peach's Castle, etc.)
- Table for BGs that use tile share?
- Details on BGs that are broken?
Bitmap Tables
Stored in BG_ncg/ folder.
Top Backgrounds
Slot | Bitmap |
0: Grassland (hills and clouds) | d_2d_I_M_free_nohara_ncg.bin |
1: Castle | d_2d_I_M_free_yakata_ncg.bin |
2: Desert (pyramids, W2-Cannon) | d_2d_I_M_free_dokan_W2_ncg.bin |
3: Underground | d_2d_I_M_free_chika_ncg.bin |
4: Clouds | d_2d_I_M_free_kumo_ncg.bin |
5: Underwater | d_2d_W_M_free_suichu_ncg.bin |
6: Desert (pyramids) | d_2d_I_M_free_sabaku_ncg.bin |
7: Volcanoes 1 (inside) | d_2d_W_M_free_yougan_ncg.bin |
8: Grassland (Peach Castle) | d_2d_I_M_free_nohara_W1_1_ncg.bin |
9: Beach (cliffs) | d_2d_W_M_free_kaigan_ncg.bin |
10: Beach (cliffs) | d_2d_W_M_free_kaigan_ncg.bin |
11: Forest | d_2d_W_M_free_jungle_ncg.bin |
12: Grassland (green/white hills and clouds) | d_2d_I_M_free_nohara2_ncg.bin |
13: Bushes on mountain [Unused] | d_2d_I_M_free_kinoko_ncg.bin |
14: Bushes on mountain [Unused] | d_2d_I_M_free_kinoko_ncg.bin |
15: Volcanoes 2 (outside) [including raining debris] | d_2d_W_M_free_kazan_ncg.bin |
16: Volcanoes 3 (outside) [Unused] | d_2d_W_M_free_kazangake_ncg.bin |
17: Snowy trees | d_2d_I_M_free_setsugen_ncg.bin |
18: Snowy hills | d_2d_I_M_free_setsugen2_ncg.bin |
19: Bushes (W4-Cannon) | d_2d_I_M_free_dokan_W4_ncg.bin |
20: Desert sand | d_2d_I_M_free_sabaku5_ncg.bin |
21: Empty | None |
22: Volcanoes 3 (outside) [Unused] | d_2d_W_M_free_kazangake_ncg.bin |
23: Ghost house | d_2d_S_M_free_obakeyasiki_ncg.bin |
24: Mountains with clouds | d_2d_W_M_free_kazangake2_ncg.bin |
25: Mountains with clouds | d_2d_W_M_free_kazangake2_ncg.bin |
26: Snowy trees (darker, W5-Cannon) | d_2d_I_M_free_dokan_W5_ncg.bin |
27: Grassland (hills and clouds) | d_2d_I_M_free_nohara_ncg.bin |
28: Snowy trees | d_2d_I_M_free_setsugen_ncg.bin |
29: Pipes | d_2d_W_M_free_dokansoto_ncg.bin |
30: Sewer wall (W2-3) | d_2d_W_M_free_dokannaka_ncg.bin |
31: Volcano tower | d_2d_W_M_free_yougantate_ncg.bin |
32: Empty | None |
33: Low clouds | d_2d_I_M_free_kinoko3_ncg.bin |
34: Grassland (hills and clouds, W1-Cannon) | d_2d_I_M_free_dokan_W1_ncg.bin |
35: Empty | d_2d_I_M_free_sabaku_ncg.bin |
36: Stalagmites (glitchy) [Unused] | d_2d_I_M_free_chika2_ncg.bin |
37: Dark world 1 (dead trees, purple clouds) | d_2d_I_M_free_koopa_heigen_ncg.bin |
38: Dark world 2 (rocks, purple clouds) | d_2d_I_M_free_koopa_iwa_ncg.bin |
39: Tower | d_2d_I_M_free_toride_ncg.bin |
40: Ghost house exit | d_2d_S_M_free_obake_soto_ncg.bin |
41: Final Castle | d_2d_I_M_free_koopa_shiro_ncg.bin |
42: Toad house 1 | d_2d_W_M_free_kinokoA_ncg.bin |
43: Toad house 2 | d_2d_W_M_free_kinokoB_ncg.bin |
44: Toad house 3 | d_2d_W_M_free_kinokoC_ncg.bin |
45: Final Castle | d_2d_I_M_free_koopa_shiro_ncg.bin |
46: Toad house 4 | d_2d_W_M_free_kinokoD_ncg.bin |
47: Bowser Jr battle | d_2d_I_M_free_toride_boss_ncg.bin |
48: Beach (cliffs, tall) | d_2d_W_M_free_kaigan_ncg.bin |
49: Boss battle | d_2d_I_M_free_yakata_boss_ncg.bin |
50: Low clouds | d_2d_I_M_free_kinoko3_ncg.bin |
51: Foggy forest | d_2d_W_M_free_jungle2_ncg.bin |
52: Desert (pyramids) | d_2d_I_M_free_sabaku2_ncg.bin |
53: Desert (with underground bit) | d_2d_I_M_free_sabaku3_ncg.bin |
54: Foggy forest | d_2d_W_M_free_jungle2_ncg.bin |
55: Final boss battle | d_2d_I_M_free_koopa_boss_ncg.bin |
56: Volcanoes 2 (outside) | d_2d_W_M_free_kazan_ncg.bin |
57: Underwater cave | d_2d_W_M_free_suichu2_ncg.bin |
58: Light grey castle (W8 Castle 1) | d_2d_I_M_free_yakata_nise_ncg.bin |
59: Yellow clouds (Desert) | d_2d_I_M_free_kumo2_ncg.bin |
60: Beach (world 6 style, with bushes) | d_2d_W_M_free_kaigan2_ncg.bin |
61: Medium clouds | d_2d_I_M_free_yakata_bossW7_ncg.bin |
62: Stone wall | d_2d_I_M_free_choropu_ncg.bin |
63: Mummy-Pokey battle | d_2d_I_M_free_sabaku_boss_ncg.bin |
64: Desert (pyramids) | d_2d_I_M_free_sabaku_ncg.bin |
65: Desert (pyramids) | d_2d_I_M_free_sabaku_ncg.bin |
66: Desert (pyramids, higher) | d_2d_I_M_free_sabaku4_ncg.bin |
67: Empty | None |
68: Empty | None |
69: Empty | None |
70: Empty | None |
71: Empty | None |
72: Empty | None |
73: Empty | None |
74: Empty | None |
75: Grassland (hills and clouds) | d_2d_I_M_free_nohara_W1_1_ncg.bin |
Bottom Backgrounds
Slot | Bitmap |
0: Grassland (orange hills and clouds) | d_2d_I_M_back_nohara_ncg.bin |
1: Castle | d_2d_I_M_back_yakata_ncg.bin |
2: Desert (blue sky, pyramids, W2-Cannon) | d_2d_I_M_back_dokan_W2_ncg.bin |
3: Underground | d_2d_I_M_back_chika_ncg.bin |
4: Clouds | d_2d_I_M_back_kumo_ncg.bin |
5: Underwater | d_2d_W_M_back_suichu_ncg.bin |
6: Desert (yellow sky, pyramids) | d_2d_I_M_back_sabaku_ncg.bin |
7: Volcanoes 1 (inside) | d_2d_W_M_back_yougan_ncg.bin |
8: Grassland (pastel hills and clouds) | d_2d_I_M_back_nohara_W1_1_ncg.bin |
9: Background clouds | d_2d_W_M_back_kaigan_ncg.bin |
10: Background mountains | d_2d_W_M_back_kazangake2_ncg.bin |
11: Forest | d_2d_W_M_back_jungle_ncg.bin |
12: Grassland (blue/white hills and clouds) | d_2d_I_M_back_nohara2_ncg.bin |
13: Background clouds 2 [Unused] | d_2d_I_M_back_kinoko_ncg.bin |
14: Background clouds 2 [Unused] | d_2d_I_M_back_kinoko_ncg.bin |
15: Volcanoes 2 (outside) [including raining debris] | d_2d_W_M_back_kazan_ncg.bin |
16: Volcanoes 3 (outside) [Unused] | d_2d_W_M_back_kazangake_ncg.bin |
17: Snowy trees | d_2d_I_M_back_setsugen_ncg.bin |
18: Snowy hills | d_2d_I_M_back_setsugen2_ncg.bin |
19: Background clouds (W4-Cannon) | d_2d_I_M_back_dokan_W4_ncg.bin |
20: Desert (blue sky, pyramids, higher) | d_2d_I_M_back_sabaku5_ncg.bin |
21: Bonus room (NES Mario and Luigi 1) | d_2d_I_M_back_mame_ncg.bin |
22: Volcanoes 3 (outside) [Unused] | d_2d_W_M_back_kazangake_ncg.bin |
23: Ghost house | d_2d_S_M_back_obakeyasiki_ncg.bin |
24: Background mountains | d_2d_W_M_back_kazangake2_ncg.bin |
25: Background mountains | d_2d_W_M_back_kazangake2_ncg.bin |
26: Purple sky (W5-Cannon) | d_2d_I_M_back_dokan_W5_ncg.bin |
27: Grassland (orange hills and clouds) | d_2d_I_M_back_nohara_ncg.bin |
28: Snowy hills | d_2d_I_M_back_setsugen2_ncg.bin |
29: Pipes | d_2d_W_M_back_dokansoto_ncg.bin |
30: Empty | d_2d_W_M_back_dokannaka_ncg.bin |
31: Volcano tower | d_2d_W_M_back_yougantate_ncg.bin |
32: Castle 2 | d_2d_I_M_back_toride_ncg.bin |
33: Clouds with orange hills at back | d_2d_I_M_back_kinoko3_ncg.bin |
34: Snowy hills (W1-Cannon) | d_2d_I_M_back_dokan_W1_ncg.bin |
35: Cave | d_2d_I_M_back_chika3_ncg.bin |
36: Stalagmites (glitchy) [Unused] | d_2d_I_M_back_chika3_ncg.bin |
37: Dark world 1 (dead trees, purple clouds) | d_2d_I_M_back_koopa_heigen_ncg.bin |
38: Dark world 2 (rocks, purple clouds) | d_2d_I_M_back_koopa_iwa_ncg.bin |
39: Tower | d_2d_I_M_back_toride_ncg.bin |
40: Ghost house exit | d_2d_S_M_back_obake_soto_ncg.bin |
41: Final Castle (Normal Jyotyu) | d_2d_I_M_back_koopa_shiro_ncg.bin |
42: Toad house 1 | d_2d_W_M_back_kinokoA_ncg.bin |
43: Toad house 2 | d_2d_W_M_back_kinokoB_ncg.bin |
44: Toad house 3 | d_2d_W_M_back_kinokoC_ncg.bin |
45: Final Castle (Blue Jyotyu) | d_2d_I_M_back_koopa_shiro_ncg.bin |
46: Toad house 4 | d_2d_W_M_back_kinokoD_ncg.bin |
47: Bowser Jr battle | d_2d_I_M_back_toride_boss_ncg.bin |
48: Background clouds (tall) | d_2d_W_M_back_kaigan_ncg.bin |
49: Boss battle | d_2d_I_M_back_yakata_boss_ncg.bin |
50: Background clouds | d_2d_W_M_back_kaigan_ncg.bin |
51: Background clouds | d_2d_W_M_back_kaigan_ncg.bin |
52: Desert (blue sky, pyramids) | d_2d_I_M_back_sabaku2_ncg.bin |
53: Desert (yellow sky, higher) | d_2d_I_M_back_sabaku3_ncg.bin |
54: Background mountains | d_2d_W_M_back_kazangake3_ncg.bin |
55: Final boss battle | d_2d_I_M_back_koopa_boss_ncg.bin |
56: Volcanoes 2 | d_2d_W_M_back_kazan_ncg.bin |
57: Underwater cave | d_2d_W_M_back_suichu_ncg.bin |
58: Light grey castle (W8 Castle 1) | d_2d_I_M_back_yakata_nise_ncg.bin |
59: Yellow clouds (Desert) | d_2d_I_M_back_kumo2_ncg.bin |
60: Big mountains (higher, world 6 beach) | d_2d_W_M_back_kaigan2_ncg.bin |
61: Background clouds | d_2d_I_M_back_yakata_bossW7_ncg.bin |
62: Background mountains | d_2d_W_M_back_kazangake2_ncg.bin |
63: Mummy-Pokey battle | d_2d_I_M_back_sabaku_boss_ncg.bin |
64: Desert (yellow sky, pyramids) | d_2d_I_M_back_sabaku_ncg.bin |
65: Desert (yellow sky, pyramids) | d_2d_I_M_back_sabaku_ncg.bin |
66: Desert (blue sky, pyramids, higher) | d_2d_I_M_back_sabaku4_ncg.bin |
67: Bonus room (NES Lakitu) [Unused] | d_2d_I_M_back_mame_ncg.bin |
68: Bonus room (NES Mario + Bowser) [Unused] | d_2d_I_M_back_mame_ncg.bin |
69: Bonus room (NES M/L swimming) [Unused] | d_2d_I_M_back_mame_ncg.bin |
70: Bonus room (NES Mario and Luigi 2) | d_2d_I_M_back_mame_ncg.bin |
71: Bonus room (NES Mario on vine) [Unused] | d_2d_I_M_back_mame_ncg.bin |
72: Bonus room (NES Mario and Luigi 3) [Unused] | d_2d_I_M_back_mame_ncg.bin |
73: Underground cave (red) | d_2d_I_M_back_chika4_ncg.bin |
74: Bonus room | d_2d_I_M_back_mame_bonus_ncg.bin |
75: Grassland (orange hills and clouds) | d_2d_I_M_back_nohara_VS_ncg.bin |
Animation Table
Palette Tables
Stored in BG_ncl/ folder.
Top Backgrounds
Slot | Palette |
0: Grassland (hills and clouds) | d_2d_I_M_free_nohara_ncl.bin |
1: Castle | d_2d_I_M_free_yakata_ncl.bin |
2: Desert (pyramids, W2-Cannon) | d_2d_I_M_free_dokan_W2_ncl.bin |
3: Underground | d_2d_I_M_free_cika_ncl.bin |
4: Clouds | d_2d_I_M_free_kumo_ncl.bin |
5: Underwater | d_2d_W_M_free_suichu_ncl.bin |
6: Desert (pyramids) | d_2d_I_M_free_sabaku_ncl.bin |
7: Volcanoes 1 (inside) | d_2d_W_M_free_yougan_ncl.bin |
8: Grassland (Peach Castle) | d_2d_I_M_free_nohara_W1_1_ncl.bin |
9: Beach (cliffs) | d_2d_W_M_free_kaigan_ncl.bin |
10: Beach (cliffs) | d_2d_W_M_free_kaigan_ncl.bin |
11: Forest | d_2d_W_M_free_jungle_ncl.bin |
12: Grassland (green/white hills and clouds) | d_2d_I_M_free_nohara2_ncl.bin |
13: Bushes on mountain [Unused] | d_2d_I_M_free_kinoko_ncl.bin |
14: Bushes on mountain [Unused] | d_2d_I_M_free_kinoko_ncl.bin |
15: Volcanoes 2 (outside) [including raining debris] | d_2d_W_M_free_kazan_ncl.bin |
16: Volcanoes 3 (outside) [Unused] | d_2d_W_M_free_kazangake_ncl.bin |
17: Snowy trees | d_2d_I_M_free_setsugen_ncl.bin |
18: Snowy hills | d_2d_I_M_free_setsugen2_ncl.bin |
19: Bushes (W4-Cannon) | d_2d_I_M_free_dokan_W4_ncl.bin |
20: Desert sand | d_2d_I_M_free_sabaku5_ncl.bin |
21: Empty | None |
22: Volcanoes 3 (outside) [Unused] | d_2d_W_M_free_kazangake_ncl.bin |
23: Ghost house | d_2d_S_M_free_obakeyasiki_ncl.bin |
24: Mountains with clouds | d_2d_W_M_free_kazangake2_ncl.bin |
25: Mountains with clouds | d_2d_W_M_free_kazangake2_ncl.bin |
26: Snowy trees (darker, W5-Cannon) | d_2d_I_M_free_dokan_W5_ncl.bin |
27: Grassland (hills and clouds) | d_2d_I_M_free_nohara_ncl.bin |
28: Snowy trees | d_2d_I_M_free_setsugen_ncl.bin |
29: Pipes | d_2d_W_M_free_dokansoto_ncl.bin |
30: Sewer wall (W2-3) | d_2d_W_M_free_dokannaka_ncl.bin |
31: Volcano tower | d_2d_W_M_free_yougantate_ncl.bin |
32: Empty | None |
33: Low clouds | d_2d_I_M_free_kinoko3_ncl.bin |
34: Grassland (hills and clouds, W1-Cannon) | d_2d_I_M_free_dokan_W1_ncl.bin |
35: Empty | None |
36: Stalagmites (glitchy) [Unused] | d_2d_I_M_free_chika2_ncl.bin |
37: Dark world 1 (dead trees, purple clouds) | d_2d_I_M_free_koopa_heigen_ncl.bin |
38: Dark world 2 (rocks, purple clouds) | d_2d_I_M_free_koopa_iwa_ncl.bin |
39: Tower | d_2d_I_M_free_toride_ncl.bin |
40: Ghost house exit | d_2d_S_M_free_obake_soto_ncl.bin |
41: Final Castle | d_2d_I_M_free_koopa_shiro_ncl.bin |
42: Toad house 1 | d_2d_W_M_free_kinokoA_ncl.bin |
43: Toad house 2 | d_2d_W_M_free_kinokoB_ncl.bin |
44: Toad house 3 | d_2d_W_M_free_kinokoC_ncl.bin |
45: Final Castle | d_2d_I_M_free_koopa_shiro_ncl.bin |
46: Toad house 4 | d_2d_W_M_free_kinokoD_ncl.bin |
47: Bowser Jr battle | d_2d_I_M_free_toride_boss_ncl.bin |
48: Beach (cliffs, tall) | d_2d_W_M_free_kaigan_ncl.bin |
49: Boss battle | d_2d_I_M_free_yakata_boss_ncl.bin |
50: Low clouds | d_2d_I_M_free_kinoko3_ncl.bin |
51: Foggy forest | d_2d_W_M_free_jungle2_ncl.bin |
52: Desert (pyramids) | d_2d_I_M_free_sabaku2_ncl.bin |
53: Desert (with underground bit) | d_2d_I_M_free_sabaku3_ncl.bin |
54: Foggy forest | d_2d_W_M_free_jungle2_ncl.bin |
55: Final boss battle | d_2d_I_M_free_koopa_boss_ncl.bin |
56: Volcanoes 2 (outside) | d_2d_W_M_free_kazan_ncl.bin |
57: Underwater cave | d_2d_W_M_free_suichu2_ncl.bin |
58: Light grey castle (W8 Castle 1) | d_2d_I_M_free_yakata_nise_ncl.bin |
59: Yellow clouds (Desert) | d_2d_I_M_free_kumo2_ncl.bin |
60: Beach (world 6 style, with bushes) | d_2d_W_M_free_kaigan2_ncl.bin |
61: Medium clouds | d_2d_I_M_free_yakata_bossW7_ncl.bin |
62: Stone wall | d_2d_W_M_free_choropu_ncl.bin |
63: Mummy-Pokey battle | d_2d_I_M_free_sabaku_boss_ncl.bin |
64: Desert (pyramids) | d_2d_I_M_free_sabaku_ncl.bin |
65: Desert (pyramids) | d_2d_I_M_free_sabaku_ncl.bin |
66: Desert (pyramids, higher) | d_2d_I_M_free_sabaku4_ncl.bin |
67: Empty | None |
68: Empty | None |
69: Empty | None |
70: Empty | None |
71: Empty | None |
72: Empty | None |
73: Empty | None |
74: Empty | None |
75: Grassland (hills and clouds) | d_2d_I_M_free_nohara_VS_ncl.bin |
Bottom Backgrounds
Slot | Palette |
0: Grassland (orange hills and clouds) | d_2d_I_M_back_nohara_ncl.bin |
1: Castle | d_2d_I_M_back_yakata_ncl.bin |
2: Desert (blue sky, pyramids, W2-Cannon) | d_2d_I_M_back_dokan_W2_ncl.bin |
3: Underground | d_2d_I_M_back_cika_ncl.bin |
4: Clouds | d_2d_I_M_back_kumo_ncl.bin |
5: Underwater | d_2d_W_M_back_suichu_ncl.bin |
6: Desert (yellow sky, pyramids) | d_2d_I_M_back_sabaku_ncl.bin |
7: Volcanoes 1 (inside) | d_2d_W_M_back_yougan_ncl.bin |
8: Grassland (pastel hills and clouds) | d_2d_I_M_back_nohara_W1_1_ncl.bin |
9: Background clouds | d_2d_W_M_back_kaigan_ncl.bin |
10: Background mountains | d_2d_W_M_back_kazangake2_ncl.bin |
11: Forest | d_2d_W_M_back_jungle_ncl.bin |
12: Grassland (blue/white hills and clouds) | d_2d_I_M_back_nohara2_ncl.bin |
13: Background clouds 2 [Unused] | d_2d_I_M_back_kinoko_ncl.bin |
14: Background clouds 2 [Unused] | d_2d_I_M_back_kinoko_ncl.bin |
15: Volcanoes 2 (outside) [including raining debris] | d_2d_W_M_back_kazan_ncl.bin |
16: Volcanoes 3 (outside) [Unused] | d_2d_W_M_back_kazangake_ncl.bin |
17: Snowy trees | d_2d_I_M_back_setsugen_ncl.bin |
18: Snowy hills | d_2d_I_M_back_setsugen2_ncl.bin |
19: Background clouds (W4-Cannon) | d_2d_I_M_back_dokan_W4_ncl.bin |
20: Desert (blue sky, pyramids, higher) | d_2d_I_M_back_sabaku5_ncl.bin |
21: Bonus room (NES Mario and Luigi 1) | d_2d_I_M_back_mame_ncl.bin |
22: Volcanoes 3 (outside) [Unused] | d_2d_W_M_back_kazangake_ncl.bin |
23: Ghost house | d_2d_S_M_back_obakeyasiki_ncl.bin |
24: Background mountains | d_2d_W_M_back_kazangake2_ncl.bin |
25: Background mountains | d_2d_W_M_back_kazangake2_ncl.bin |
26: Purple sky (W5-Cannon) | d_2d_I_M_back_dokan_W5_ncl.bin |
27: Grassland (orange hills and clouds) | d_2d_I_M_back_nohara_ncl.bin |
28: Snowy hills | d_2d_I_M_back_setsugen2_ncl.bin |
29: Pipes | d_2d_W_M_back_dokansoto_ncl.bin |
30: Empty | d_2d_W_M_back_dokannaka_ncl.bin |
31: Volcano tower | d_2d_W_M_back_yougantate_ncl.bin |
32: Castle 2 | d_2d_I_M_back_toride_ncl.bin |
33: Clouds with orange hills at back | d_2d_I_M_back_kinoko3_ncl.bin |
34: Snowy hills (W1-Cannon) | d_2d_I_M_back_dokan_W1_ncl.bin |
35: Cave | d_2d_I_M_back_chika3_ncl.bin |
36: Stalagmites (glitchy) [Unused] | d_2d_I_M_back_chika2_ncl.bin |
37: Dark world 1 (dead trees, purple clouds) | d_2d_I_M_back_koopa_heigen_ncl.bin |
38: Dark world 2 (rocks, purple clouds) | d_2d_I_M_back_koopa_iwa_ncl.bin |
39: Tower | d_2d_I_M_back_toride_ncl.bin |
40: Ghost house exit | d_2d_S_M_back_obake_soto_ncl.bin |
41: Final Castle (Normal Jyotyu) | d_2d_I_M_back_koopa_shiro_ncl.bin |
42: Toad house 1 | d_2d_W_M_back_kinokoA_ncl.bin |
43: Toad house 2 | d_2d_W_M_back_kinokoB_ncl.bin |
44: Toad house 3 | d_2d_W_M_back_kinokoC_ncl.bin |
45: Final Castle (Blue Jyotyu) | d_2d_I_M_back_koopa_shiro_ncl.bin |
46: Toad house 4 | d_2d_W_M_back_kinokoD_ncl.bin |
47: Bowser Jr battle | d_2d_I_M_back_toride_boss_ncl.bin |
48: Background clouds (tall) | d_2d_W_M_back_kaigan_ncl.bin |
49: Boss battle | d_2d_I_M_back_yakata_boss_ncl.bin |
50: Background clouds | d_2d_W_M_back_kaigan_ncl.bin |
51: Background clouds | d_2d_W_M_back_kaigan_ncl.bin |
52: Desert (blue sky, pyramids) | d_2d_I_M_back_sabaku2_ncl.bin |
53: Desert (yellow sky, higher) | d_2d_I_M_back_sabaku3_ncl.bin |
54: Background mountains | d_2d_W_M_back_kazangake3_ncl.bin |
55: Final boss battle | d_2d_I_M_back_koopa_boss_ncl.bin |
56: Volcanoes 2 | d_2d_W_M_back_kazan_ncl.bin |
57: Underwater cave | d_2d_W_M_back_suichu_ncl.bin |
58: Light grey castle (W8 Castle 1) | d_2d_I_M_back_yakata_nise_ncl.bin |
59: Yellow clouds (Desert) | d_2d_I_M_back_kumo2_ncl.bin |
60: Big mountains (higher, world 6 beach) | d_2d_W_M_back_kaigan2_ncl.bin |
61: Background clouds | d_2d_I_M_back_yakata_bossW7_ncl.bin |
62: Background mountains | d_2d_W_M_back_kazangake2_ncl.bin |
63: Mummy-Pokey battle | d_2d_I_M_back_sabaku_boss_ncl.bin |
64: Desert (yellow sky, pyramids) | d_2d_I_M_back_sabaku_ncl.bin |
65: Desert (yellow sky, pyramids) | d_2d_I_M_back_sabaku_ncl.bin |
66: Desert (blue sky, pyramids, higher) | d_2d_I_M_back_sabaku4_ncl.bin |
67: Bonus room (NES Lakitu) [Unused] | d_2d_I_M_back_mame_ncl.bin |
68: Bonus room (NES Mario + Bowser) [Unused] | d_2d_I_M_back_mame_ncl.bin |
69: Bonus room (NES M/L swimming) [Unused] | d_2d_I_M_back_mame_ncl.bin |
70: Bonus room (NES Mario and Luigi 2) | d_2d_I_M_back_mame_ncl.bin |
71: Bonus room (NES Mario on vine) [Unused] | d_2d_I_M_back_mame_ncl.bin |
72: Bonus room (NES Mario and Luigi 3) [Unused] | d_2d_I_M_back_mame_ncl.bin |
73: Underground cave (red) | d_2d_I_M_back_chika4_ncl.bin |
74: Bonus room | d_2d_I_M_back_mame_bonus_ncl.bin |
75: Grassland (orange hills and clouds) | d_2d_I_M_back_nohara_VS_ncl.bin |
Palette Animation Tables
TBAStored in BG_ncl/ folder. Do note that while the background slots load the palettes, the tileset slot determines if the animations play.
Top Backgrounds
Slot | Palette |
7: Volcanoes 1 (inside) | d_2d_Bg3_TEN_W_yougan_ncl.bin |
31: Volcano tower | d_2d_Bg3_TEN_W_yougantate_ncl.bin |
Bottom Backgrounds
Slot | Palette |
7: Volcanoes 1 (inside) | d_2d_Bg1_TEN_W_yougan_ncl.bin |
31: Volcano tower | d_2d_Bg1_TEN_W_yougantate_ncl.bin |
Tilemap Tables
Stored in BG_ncl/BG_nsc/ folder.
Top Backgrounds
Slot | Tilemap |
0: Grassland (hills and clouds) | d_2d_I_M_free_nohara_UR_nsc.bin |
1: Castle | d_2d_I_M_free_yakata_UR_nsc.bin |
2: Desert (pyramids, W2-Cannon) | d_2d_I_M_free_dokan_W2_UR_nsc.bin |
3: Underground | d_2d_I_M_free_chika_R_nsc.bin |
4: Clouds | d_2d_I_M_free_kumo_R_nsc.bin |
5: Underwater | d_2d_W_M_free_suichu_mizu_UR_nsc.bin |
6: Desert (pyramids) | d_2d_I_M_free_sabaku_UR_nsc.bin |
7: Volcanoes 1 (inside) | d_2d_W_M_free_yougan_nsc.bin |
8: Grassland (Peach Castle) | d_2d_I_M_free_nohara_W1_1_nsc.bin |
9: Beach (cliffs) | d_2d_W_M_free_kaigan_UR_nsc.bin |
10: Beach (cliffs) | d_2d_W_M_free_kaigan_UR_nsc.bin |
11: Forest | d_2d_W_M_free_jungle_nsc.bin |
12: Grassland (green/white hills and clouds) | d_2d_I_M_free_nohara2_UR_nsc.bin |
13: Bushes on mountain [Unused] | d_2d_I_M_free_kinoko_nsc.bin |
14: Bushes on mountain [Unused] | d_2d_I_M_free_kinoko_nsc.bin |
15: Volcanoes 2 (outside) [including raining debris] | d_2d_W_M_free_kazan_nsc.bin |
16: Volcanoes 3 (outside) [Unused] | d_2d_W_M_free_kazangake_nsc.bin |
17: Snowy trees | d_2d_I_M_free_setsugen_UR_nsc.bin |
18: Snowy hills | d_2d_I_M_free_setsugen2_UR_nsc.bin |
19: Bushes (W4-Cannon) | d_2d_I_M_free_dokan_W4_UR_nsc.bin |
20: Desert sand | d_2d_I_M_free_sabaku5_nsc.bin |
21: Empty | None |
22: Volcanoes 3 (outside) [Unused] | d_2d_W_M_free_kazangake_01_nsc.bin |
23: Ghost house | d_2d_S_M_free_obakeyasiki_UR_nsc.bin |
24: Mountains with clouds | d_2d_W_M_free_kazangake2_UR_nsc.bin |
25: Mountains with clouds | d_2d_W_M_free_kazangake2_UR_nsc.bin |
26: Snowy trees (darker, W5-Cannon) | d_2d_I_M_free_dokan_W5_UR_nsc.bin |
27: Grassland (hills and clouds) | d_2d_I_M_free_nohara_UR_nsc.bin |
28: Snowy trees | d_2d_I_M_free_setsugen_UR_nsc.bin |
29: Pipes | d_2d_W_M_free_dokansoto_R_nsc.bin |
30: Sewer wall (W2-3) | d_2d_W_M_free_dokannaka_R_nsc.bin |
31: Volcano tower | d_2d_W_M_free_yougantate_R_nsc.bin |
32: Empty | None |
33: Low clouds | d_2d_I_M_free_kinoko3_UR_nsc.bin |
34: Grassland (hills and clouds, W1-Cannon) | d_2d_I_M_free_dokan_W1_UR_nsc.bin |
35: Empty | None |
36: Stalagmites (glitchy) [Unused] | d_2d_I_M_free_chika2_nsc.bin |
37: Dark world 1 (dead trees, purple clouds) | d_2d_I_M_free_koopa_heigen_UR_nsc.bin |
38: Dark world 2 (rocks, purple clouds) | d_2d_I_M_free_koopa_iwa_UR_nsc.bin |
39: Tower | d_2d_I_M_free_toride_UR_nsc.bin |
40: Ghost house exit | d_2d_S_M_free_obake_soto_UR_nsc.bin |
41: Final Castle | d_2d_I_M_free_koopa_shiro_UR_nsc.bin |
42: Toad house 1 | d_2d_W_M_free_kinokoA_nsc.bin |
43: Toad house 2 | d_2d_W_M_free_kinokoB_nsc.bin |
44: Toad house 3 | d_2d_W_M_free_kinokoC_nsc.bin |
45: Final Castle | d_2d_I_M_free_koopa_shiro_UR_nsc.bin |
46: Toad house 4 | d_2d_W_M_free_kinokoD_nsc.bin |
47: Bowser Jr battle | d_2d_I_M_free_toride_boss_nsc.bin |
48: Beach (cliffs, tall) | d_2d_W_M_free_kaigan_SR_nsc.bin |
49: Boss battle | d_2d_I_M_free_yakata_boss_nsc.bin |
50: Low clouds | d_2d_I_M_free_kinoko3_UR_nsc.bin |
51: Foggy forest | d_2d_W_M_free_jungle2_nsc.bin |
52: Desert (pyramids) | d_2d_I_M_free_sabaku2_UR_nsc.bin |
53: Desert (with underground bit) | d_2d_I_M_free_sabaku3_SR_nsc.bin |
54: Foggy forest | d_2d_W_M_free_jungle2_nsc.bin |
55: Final boss battle | d_2d_I_M_free_koopa_boss_nsc.bin |
56: Volcanoes 2 (outside) | d_2d_W_M_free_kazan_nsc.bin |
57: Underwater cave | d_2d_W_M_free_suichu2_mizu_UR_nsc.bin |
58: Light grey castle (W8 Castle 1) | d_2d_I_M_free_yakata_nise_UR_nsc.bin |
59: Yellow clouds (Desert) | d_2d_I_M_free_kumo2_R_nsc.bin |
60: Beach (world 6 style, with bushes) | d_2d_W_M_free_kaigan2_UR_nsc.bin |
61: Medium clouds | d_2d_I_M_free_yakata_bossW7_nsc.bin |
62: Stone wall | d_2d_W_M_free_choropu_nsc.bin |
63: Mummy-Pokey battle | d_2d_I_M_free_sabaku_boss_UR_nsc.bin |
64: Desert (pyramids) | d_2d_I_M_free_sabaku_UR_nsc.bin |
65: Desert (pyramids) | d_2d_I_M_free_sabaku_UR_nsc.bin |
66: Desert (pyramids, higher) | d_2d_I_M_free_sabaku4_nsc.bin |
67: Empty | None |
68: Empty | None |
69: Empty | None |
70: Empty | None |
71: Empty | None |
72: Empty | None |
73: Empty | None |
74: Empty | None |
75: Grassland (hills and clouds) | d_2d_I_M_free_nohara_VS_UR_nsc.bin |
Bottom Backgrounds
Slot | Tilemap |
0: Grassland (orange hills and clouds) | d_2d_I_M_back_nohara_UR_nsc.bin |
1: Castle | d_2d_I_M_back_yakata_UR_nsc.bin |
2: Desert (blue sky, pyramids, W2-Cannon) | d_2d_I_M_back_dokan_W2_UR_nsc.bin |
3: Underground | d_2d_I_M_back_chika_R_nsc.bin |
4: Clouds | d_2d_I_M_back_kumo_R_nsc.bin |
5: Underwater | d_2d_W_M_back_suichu_UR_nsc.bin |
6: Desert (yellow sky, pyramids) | d_2d_I_M_back_sabaku_UR_nsc.bin |
7: Volcanoes 1 (inside) | d_2d_W_M_back_yougan_nsc.bin |
8: Grassland (pastel hills and clouds) | d_2d_I_M_back_nohara_W1_1_nsc.bin |
9: Background clouds | d_2d_W_M_back_kaigan_UR_nsc.bin |
10: Background mountains | d_2d_W_M_back_kazangake2_UR_nsc.bin |
11: Forest | d_2d_W_M_back_jungle_nsc.bin |
12: Grassland (blue/white hills and clouds) | d_2d_I_M_back_nohara2_UR_nsc.bin |
13: Background clouds 2 [Unused] | d_2d_I_M_back_kinoko_nsc.bin |
14: Background clouds 2 [Unused] | d_2d_I_M_back_kinoko_nsc.bin |
15: Volcanoes 2 (outside) [including raining debris] | d_2d_W_M_back_kazan_nsc.bin |
16: Volcanoes 3 (outside) [Unused] | d_2d_W_M_back_kazangake_nsc.bin |
17: Snowy trees | d_2d_I_M_back_setsugen_UR_nsc.bin |
18: Snowy hills | d_2d_I_M_back_setsugen2_UR_nsc.bin |
19: Background clouds (W4-Cannon) | d_2d_I_M_back_dokan_W4_UR_nsc.bin |
20: Desert (blue sky, pyramids, higher) | d_2d_I_M_back_sabaku5_nsc.bin |
21: Bonus room (NES Mario and Luigi 1) | d_2d_I_M_back_mame_nsc.bin |
22: Volcanoes 3 (outside) [Unused] | d_2d_W_M_back_kazangake_nsc.bin |
23: Ghost house | d_2d_S_M_back_obakeyasiki_UR_nsc.bin |
24: Background mountains | d_2d_W_M_back_kazangake2_UR_nsc.bin |
25: Background mountains | d_2d_W_M_back_kazangake2_UR_nsc.bin |
26: Purple sky (W5-Cannon) | d_2d_I_M_back_dokan_W5_UR_nsc.bin |
27: Grassland (orange hills and clouds) | d_2d_I_M_back_nohara_UR_nsc.bin |
28: Snowy hills | d_2d_I_M_back_setsugen2_UR_nsc.bin |
29: Pipes | d_2d_W_M_back_dokansoto_R_nsc.bin |
30: Empty | None |
31: Volcano tower | d_2d_W_M_back_yougantate_R_nsc.bin |
32: Castle 2 | d_2d_I_M_back_toride_UR_nsc.bin |
33: Clouds with orange hills at back | d_2d_I_M_back_kinoko3_UR_nsc.bin |
34: Snowy hills (W1-Cannon) | d_2d_I_M_back_dokan_W1_UR_nsc.bin |
35: Cave | d_2d_I_M_back_chika3_R_nsc.bin |
36: Stalagmites (glitchy) [Unused] | d_2d_I_M_back_chika2_R_nsc.bin |
37: Dark world 1 (dead trees, purple clouds) | d_2d_I_M_back_koopa_heigen_UR_nsc.bin |
38: Dark world 2 (rocks, purple clouds) | d_2d_I_M_back_koopa_iwa_UR_nsc.bin |
39: Tower | d_2d_I_M_back_toride_UR_nsc.bin |
40: Ghost house exit | d_2d_S_M_back_obake_soto_UR_nsc.bin |
41: Final Castle (Normal Jyotyu) | d_2d_I_M_back_koopa_shiro_UR_nsc.bin |
42: Toad house 1 | d_2d_W_M_back_kinokoA_nsc.bin |
43: Toad house 2 | d_2d_W_M_back_kinokoB_nsc.bin |
44: Toad house 3 | d_2d_W_M_back_kinokoC_nsc.bin |
45: Final Castle (Blue Jyotyu) | d_2d_I_M_back_koopa_shiro_UR_nsc.bin |
46: Toad house 4 | d_2d_W_M_back_kinokoD_nsc.bin |
47: Bowser Jr battle | d_2d_I_M_back_toride_boss_nsc.bin |
48: Background clouds (tall) | d_2d_W_M_back_kaigan_SR_nsc.bin |
49: Boss battle | d_2d_I_M_back_yakata_boss_nsc.bin |
50: Background clouds | d_2d_W_M_back_kaigan_UR_nsc.bin |
51: Background clouds | d_2d_W_M_back_kaigan_UR_nsc.bin |
52: Desert (blue sky, pyramids) | d_2d_I_M_back_sabaku2_UR_nsc.bin |
53: Desert (yellow sky, higher) | d_2d_I_M_back_sabaku3_SR_nsc.bin |
54: Background mountains | d_2d_W_M_back_kazangake3_UR_nsc.bin |
55: Final boss battle | d_2d_I_M_back_koopa_boss_nsc.bin |
56: Volcanoes 2 | d_2d_W_M_back_kazan_nsc.bin |
57: Underwater cave | d_2d_W_M_back_suichu_UR_nsc.bin |
58: Light grey castle (W8 Castle 1) | d_2d_I_M_back_yakata_nise_UR_nsc.bin |
59: Yellow clouds (Desert) | d_2d_I_M_back_kumo2_R_nsc.bin |
60: Big mountains (higher, world 6 beach) | d_2d_W_M_back_kaigan2_UR_nsc.bin |
61: Background clouds | d_2d_I_M_back_yakata_bossW7_nsc.bin |
62: Background mountains | d_2d_W_M_back_kazangake2_UR_nsc.bin |
63: Mummy-Pokey battle | d_2d_I_M_back_sabaku_boss_UR_nsc.bin |
64: Desert (yellow sky, pyramids) | d_2d_I_M_back_sabaku_UR_nsc.bin |
65: Desert (yellow sky, pyramids) | d_2d_I_M_back_sabaku_UR_nsc.bin |
66: Desert (blue sky, pyramids, higher) | d_2d_I_M_back_sabaku4_nsc.bin |
67: Bonus room (NES Lakitu) [Unused] | d_2d_I_M_back2_mame_nsc.bin |
68: Bonus room (NES Mario + Bowser) [Unused] | d_2d_I_M_back3_mame_nsc.bin |
69: Bonus room (NES M/L swimming) [Unused] | d_2d_I_M_back4_mame_nsc.bin |
70: Bonus room (NES Mario and Luigi 2) | d_2d_I_M_back5_mame_nsc.bin |
71: Bonus room (NES Mario on vine) [Unused] | d_2d_I_M_back6_mame_nsc.bin |
72: Bonus room (NES Mario and Luigi 3) [Unused] | d_2d_I_M_back7_mame_nsc.bin |
73: Underground cave (red) | d_2d_I_M_back_chika4_R_nsc.bin |
74: Bonus room | d_2d_I_M_back_mame_bonus_nsc.bin |
75: Grassland (orange hills and clouds) | d_2d_I_M_back_nohara_VS_UR_nsc.bin |
Jyotyu Palette Tables
The bottom background slot determines the jyotyu and enemy palettes used in the course.
Slot | Palette |
0: Grassland (orange hills and clouds) | Normal |
1: Castle | Blue |
2: Desert (blue sky, pyramids, W2-Cannon) | Normal |
3: Underground | Blue |
4: Clouds | Normal |
5: Underwater | Normal |
6: Desert (yellow sky, pyramids) | Normal |
7: Volcanoes 1 (inside) | Red |
8: Grassland (pastel hills and clouds) | Normal |
9: Background clouds | Normal |
10: Background mountains | Normal |
11: Forest | Normal |
12: Grassland (blue/white hills and clouds) | Normal |
13: Background clouds 2 [Unused] | Normal |
14: Background clouds 2 [Unused] | Normal |
15: Volcanoes 2 (outside) [including raining debris] | Normal |
16: Volcanoes 3 (outside) [Unused] | Normal |
17: Snowy trees | Grey |
18: Snowy hills | Grey |
19: Background clouds (W4-Cannon) | Normal |
20: Desert (blue sky, pyramids, higher) | Normal |
21: Bonus room (NES Mario and Luigi 1) | Normal |
22: Volcanoes 3 (outside) [Unused] | Normal |
23: Ghost house | Grey |
24: Background mountains | Normal |
25: Background mountains | Normal |
26: Purple sky (W5-Cannon) | Normal |
27: Grassland (orange hills and clouds) | Normal |
28: Snowy hills | Normal |
29: Pipes | Blue |
30: Empty | Normal |
31: Volcano tower | Red |
32: Castle 2 | Normal |
33: Clouds with orange hills at back | Normal |
34: Snowy hills (W1-Cannon) | Normal |
35: Cave | Blue |
36: Stalagmites (glitchy) [Unused] | Blue |
37: Dark world 1 (dead trees, purple clouds) | Red |
38: Dark world 2 (rocks, purple clouds) | Red |
39: Tower | Blue |
40: Ghost house exit | Normal |
41: Final Castle (Normal Jyotyu) | Normal |
42: Toad house 1 | Normal |
43: Toad house 2 | Normal |
44: Toad house 3 | Normal |
45: Final Castle (Blue Jyotyu) | Blue |
46: Toad house 4 | Normal |
47: Bowser Jr battle | Blue |
48: Background clouds (tall) | Normal |
49: Boss battle | Blue |
50: Background clouds | Normal |
51: Background clouds | Normal |
52: Desert (blue sky, pyramids) | Normal |
53: Desert (yellow sky, higher) | Normal |
54: Background mountains | Normal |
55: Final boss battle | Normal |
56: Volcanoes 2 | Normal |
57: Underwater cave | Normal |
58: Light grey castle (W8 Castle 1) | Blue |
59: Yellow clouds (Desert) | Normal |
60: Big mountains (higher, world 6 beach) | Normal |
61: Background clouds | Blue |
62: Background mountains | Normal |
63: Mummy-Pokey battle | Normal |
64: Desert (yellow sky, pyramids) | Normal |
65: Desert (yellow sky, pyramids) | Normal |
66: Desert (blue sky, pyramids, higher) | Normal |
67: Bonus room (NES Lakitu) [Unused] | Normal |
68: Bonus room (NES Mario + Bowser) [Unused] | Normal |
69: Bonus room (NES M/L swimming) [Unused] | Normal |
70: Bonus room (NES Mario and Luigi 2) | Normal |
71: Bonus room (NES Mario on vine) [Unused] | Normal |
72: Bonus room (NES Mario and Luigi 3) [Unused] | Normal |
73: Underground cave (red) | Blue |
74: Bonus room | Normal |
75: Grassland (orange hills and clouds) | Normal |