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Staff Role Characters

These are the letters you can touch on the bottom screen during the credits.

Closest ASCII Character Character ID Character Used? SFX ID SFX Name SFX Usage Outside of Credits
A 0x0 Yes 0x34 SE_EMY_KPJR_DAMAGE_V Bowser Jr. stomped (voice)
B 0x1 Yes 0x35 SE_EMY_KPJR_CRY_V Bowser Jr. defeated
C 0x2 Yes 0x39 SE_EMY_KPJR_GUARD_ON Bowser Jr. go into shell
D 0x3 Yes 0x6e SE_EMY_KURIBO_FUMU Stomp on enemy / Stomp on other player
E 0x4 Yes 0x6f SE_EMY_KAME_FUMU Stomp on Koopa / Kab-omb / Skeeter (?)
F 0x5 Yes 0x70 SE_EMY_KAME_KERU Enemy defeated by fireball/Shell mario in shell/Ground-pound/Flagpole / Mega Goomba defeated by Mini Player / Hanging ? Block hit from side / Item destroyed in lava / Block spawned by tile creator sprite
G 0x6 Yes 0xf5 SE_VOC_OPDM_YES Player reacts to completion of logo
H 0x7 Yes 0xfa SE_VOC_OPDM_AWAWA_01 Player reacts to thunder strike
I 0x8 Yes 0x128 SE_OBJ_GOAL_HANABI Goal firework
J 0x9 Yes 0x103 SE_AMB_OPDM_BABEL Logo crashes down
K 0xa Yes 0x123 SE_OBJ_GET_DRAGON_COIN Get Star Coin
L 0xb Yes 0x10b SE_VOC_OPDM_PEACH_HELP  
M 0xc Yes 0x166 SE_PLY_CHANGE_NORMAL Turn back to normal from Mega
N 0xd Yes 0x14f SE_PLY_HIP_ATTACK_M Mini ground-pound
O 0xe Yes 0x149 SE_PLY_JUMP_3 Mini Player jumps
P 0xf Yes 0x152 SE_PLY_DOWN Player loses a life
Q 0x10 No 0x153 SE_PLY_SWIM Player swim
R 0x11 Yes 0x168 SE_PLY_THROW_FIRE Fire Player/Fire Bros – throw fireball
S 0x12 Yes 0x16c SE_OBJ_GET_COIN Get coin
T 0x13 Yes 0x171 SE_OBJ_DOKAN_BREAK Pipe/Bill Blaster smashed from the side as Mega Player
U 0x14 Yes 0x172 SE_PLY_JUMPDAI Jump on trampoline/Pot in final boss intro jumps
V 0x15 Yes 0x17b SE_SYS_ONE_UP Get 1-up mushroom
W 0x16 Yes 0x17c SE_SYS_ONE_DOWN Unused
X 0x17 Yes 0x1a9 SE_OBJ_TSUBO_BREAK Pot in final boss intro shatters
Y 0x18 Yes 0x1ab SE_VOC_M_HOEE Mario embarrassed after being kissed by peach
Z 0x19 Yes 0x1ad SE_VOC_P_THANK_YOU Peach thanks Player after battle
a 0x1a Yes 0x34 SE_EMY_KPJR_DAMAGE_V Bowser Jr. stomped (voice)
b 0x1b Yes 0x35 SE_EMY_KPJR_CRY_V Bowser Jr. defeated
c 0x1c Yes 0x39 SE_EMY_KPJR_GUARD_ON Bowser Jr. go into shell
d 0x1d Yes 0x6e SE_EMY_KURIBO_FUMU Stomp on enemy / Stomp on other player
e 0x1e Yes 0x6f SE_EMY_KAME_FUMU Stomp on Koopa / Kab-omb / Skeeter (?)
f 0x1f Yes 0x70 SE_EMY_KAME_KERU Enemy defeated by fireball/Shell mario in shell/Ground-pound/Flagpole / Mega Goomba defeated by Mini Player / Hanging ? Block hit from side / Item destroyed in lava / Block spawned by tile creator sprite
g 0x20 Yes 0xf5 SE_VOC_OPDM_YES Player reacts to completion of logo
h 0x21 Yes 0xfa SE_VOC_OPDM_AWAWA_01 Player reacts to thunder strike
i 0x22 Yes 0x128 SE_OBJ_GOAL_HANABI Goal firework
j 0x23 Yes 0x103 SE_AMB_OPDM_BABEL Logo crashes down
k 0x24 Yes 0x123 SE_OBJ_GET_DRAGON_COIN Get Star Coin
l 0x25 Yes 0x10b SE_VOC_OPDM_PEACH_HELP  
m 0x26 Yes 0x166 SE_PLY_CHANGE_NORMAL Turn back to normal from Mega
n 0x27 Yes 0x14f SE_PLY_HIP_ATTACK_M Mini ground-pound
o 0x28 Yes 0x149 SE_PLY_JUMP_3 Mini Player jumps
p 0x29 Yes 0x152 SE_PLY_DOWN Player loses a life
q 0x2a Yes 0x153 SE_PLY_SWIM Player swim
r 0x2b Yes 0x168 SE_PLY_THROW_FIRE Fire Player/Fire Bros – throw fireball
s 0x2c Yes 0x16c SE_OBJ_GET_COIN Get coin
t 0x2d Yes 0x171 SE_OBJ_DOKAN_BREAK Pipe/Bill Blaster smashed from the side as Mega Player
u 0x2e Yes 0x172 SE_PLY_JUMPDAI Jump on trampoline/Pot in final boss intro jumps
v 0x2f Yes 0x17b SE_SYS_ONE_UP Get 1-up mushroom
w 0x30 Yes 0x17c SE_SYS_ONE_DOWN Unused
x 0x31 No 0x1a9 SE_OBJ_TSUBO_BREAK Pot in final boss intro shatters
y 0x32 Yes 0x1ab SE_VOC_M_HOEE Mario embarrassed after being kissed by peach
z 0x33 Yes 0x1ad SE_VOC_P_THANK_YOU Peach thanks Player after battle
À 0x34 No 0x36 SE_EMY_KPJR_UH Bowser Jr. “wakes up” after battle
Á 0x35 No 0x37 SE_EMY_KPJR_LAND Bowser Jr. land after jump attack
 0x36 No 0x3b SE_EMY_KPJR_GUARD_OFF Bowser Jr. stop hiding in shell
Ä 0x37 No 0x3c SE_EMY_KPJR_DAMAGE Bowser Jr. stomped
Ç 0x38 No 0x3d SE_EMY_KPJR_PURUPURU Bowser Jr. shakes head after waking up after battle
È 0x39 No 0x77 SE_EMY_KAME_HIT_7 Defeat 7th and subsequent enemy in a row while sliding
É 0x3a No 0xf6 SE_VOC_OPDM_UN_01 Player looks up at logo
Ê 0x3b No 0xfc SE_VOC_OPDM_AWAWA_02  
Ë 0x3c No 0xff SE_VOC_OPDM_HOEE  
Ì 0x3d No 0x10a SE_VOC_OPDM_PEACH_CRY  
Í 0x3e No 0x101 SE_AMB_OPDM_WARBLE Intro birds
Î 0x3f No 0x102 SE_AMB_OPDM_THUNDER Thunder strike on castle
Ï 0x40 No 0x104 SE_EMY_OPDM_KPJR_FOOT Bowser Jr. sneaks up on peach
Ñ 0x41 No 0x109 SE_PLY_OPDM_MA_HIT  
Ò 0x42 No 0x10d SE_OBJ_OPDM_NEW_FALL  
Ó 0x43 No 0x10e SE_OBJ_OPDM_NEW_SET  
Ô 0x44 No 0x10f SE_OBJ_OPDM_LOGO_FALL_L  
Ö 0x45 No 0x110 SE_OBJ_OPDM_LOGO_FALL_S  
Ù 0x46 No 0x170 SE_OBJ_COIN_BOUND Loose coin hit ground
Ú 0x47 No 0x174 SE_OBJ_ITEM_APPEAR Item out of block
Û 0x48 No 0x13a SE_SYS_MID_POINT Pass checkpoint
Ü 0x49 No 0x13e SE_SYS_HURRY_UP  
ß 0x4a No 0x14d SE_PLY_HIP_ATTACK Ground-pound hits ground / Ground-pound hits other player
à 0x4b No 0x36 SE_EMY_KPJR_UH Bowser Jr. “wakes up” after battle
á 0x4c No 0x37 SE_EMY_KPJR_LAND Bowser Jr. land after jump attack
â 0x4d No 0x3b SE_EMY_KPJR_GUARD_OFF Bowser Jr. stop hiding in shell
ä 0x4e No 0x3c SE_EMY_KPJR_DAMAGE Bowser Jr. stomped
ç 0x4f No 0x3d SE_EMY_KPJR_PURUPURU Bowser Jr. shakes head after waking up after battle
è 0x50 No 0x77 SE_EMY_KAME_HIT_7 Defeat 7th and subsequent enemy in a row while sliding
é 0x51 No 0xf6 SE_VOC_OPDM_UN_01 Player looks up at logo
ê 0x52 No 0xfc SE_VOC_OPDM_AWAWA_02  
ë 0x53 No 0xff SE_VOC_OPDM_HOEE  
ì 0x54 No 0x10a SE_VOC_OPDM_PEACH_CRY  
í 0x55 No 0x101 SE_AMB_OPDM_WARBLE Intro birds
î 0x56 No 0x102 SE_AMB_OPDM_THUNDER Thunder strike on castle
ï 0x57 No 0x104 SE_EMY_OPDM_KPJR_FOOT Bowser Jr. sneaks up on peach
ñ 0x58 No 0x109 SE_PLY_OPDM_MA_HIT  
ò 0x59 No 0x10d SE_OBJ_OPDM_NEW_FALL  
ó 0x5a No 0x10e SE_OBJ_OPDM_NEW_SET  
ô 0x5b No 0x10f SE_OBJ_OPDM_LOGO_FALL_L  
ö 0x5c No 0x110 SE_OBJ_OPDM_LOGO_FALL_S  
ù 0x5d No 0x170 SE_OBJ_COIN_BOUND Loose coin hit ground
ú 0x5e No 0x174 SE_OBJ_ITEM_APPEAR Item out of block
û 0x5f No 0x13a SE_SYS_MID_POINT  
ü 0x60 No 0x13e SE_SYS_HURRY_UP  
. 0x61 No 0x15b SE_PLY_FOOTNOTE_H  
0x62 No 0x15e SE_PLY_FOOTNOTE_H  
_ 0x63 No 0x16a SE_PLY_CHANGE_SMALL Enter/exit pipe / Enter warp / lose powerup
- 0x64 No 0x163 SE_PLY_CHANGE_BIG Get powerup / Collect Starman as Mega Player
[another type of line] 0x65 No 0x167 SE_PLY_CHANGE_MAME Become mini
& 0x66 Yes 0x177 SE_OBJ_BLOCK_BREAK Player break brick block / boss shutter block spawn/break / block broken by tile destroyer sprite / bridge destroyed in Bowser/Big Bowser boss / peach platform destroyed in final boss / Bob-omb destroy block / Big Unagi destroy block / Mummipokey sand ball break
' 0x67 Yes 0x178 SE_PLY_STAR_ATTACK Mega Player touch enemy/Big Player touch Mini Goomba / Big Unagi destroy block / Broozer destroy block