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Connected Pipes
Each end of the pipe needs an Entrance. Both must have the same connected pipe ID.Set area 0 in one end and area 1 in the other end.Make a Path with the same ID as the entrance's "Connected Pipe ID".Each node on the path must be placed and "Value 6" in the nod...
Jyotyu Tileset
1. Jyotyu Palette These files are the palettes used by the Jyotyu tileset: File Description /BG_ncl/d_2d_A_J_jyotyu_B_ncl.bin Blue (underground) jyotyu palette /BG_ncl/d_2d_A_J_jyotyu_F_ncl.bin Blue coin palette /BG_ncl/d_2d_A_J_jyoty...
The Camera in New Super Mario Bros is controlled in several ways. You have to take into account that the camera movements will condition the gameplay. 1. How the Camera restricts Mario The camera restricts Mario's movements in two ways:• Mario cannot go out ...
1. Entrance Guide Click the Door icon at the top to edit entrances. Settings• *Camera X:**• *Camera Y:**• *Entrance ID:** The ID associated with the entrance.• *Destination ID:** The number of the area the pipe goes to. If not changing area, set to 0.• *Desti...
List of Activator Actors
1. General Event Controllers [Class=020] [Object=101] Event Controller [Class=087] [Object=155] Special exit controller (warp entrance) [Class=137] [Object=164] Event Controller AND [Class=138] [Object=165] Event Controller OR [Class=139] [Object=166] E...
Enemy Palettes
The enemy palette is used by various in-level sprites. Like the jyotyu palette, the palette used will change depending on the bottom BG to better fit the level theme. All palettes, as well as the bitmaps of the sprites that use them, can be found in the /OBJ f...
List of player animations
Name Value anmFile anmName Idle 0x00 plmario wait WalkSlow 0x01 plmario walk Walk 0x02 plmario run Dash 0x03 pl b_dash DashFast 0x04 pl b_dash2 Jump 0x05 pl jump JumpFall 0x06 pl jump2 JumpL...
Background Scrolling Data Info
TODO: Info for BG start position nybble. Would also be nice to know which BG speeds are all used. Foregrounds and backgrounds scroll differently in many levels — sometimes they have a fast speed ratio and sometimes they can be completely static. This can be a...