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File Table

A table of contents for the files inside of a NSMB DS ROM.

Note: bold entries are files.

TODO: Expand this table to contain all files, splitting the table if needed

fnt.bin File Name Table It contains filenames, folders and folders names.
fat.bin File Allocation Table It contains every file's address in the rom and its size.
header.bin Header
arm9ovt.bin It lists every arm9 overlay, its location in the rom and where it should be loaded in the ram.
arm7ovt.bin It should list every arm7 overlay, its location in the rom and where it should be loaded in the ram.
arm9.bin The code for the main processor.
arm7.bin The code for the coprocessor.
banner.bin Contains the game banner text and icon shown in the system bios
rsasig.bin Some signature
/ Root folder
/00DUMMY Empty, NSMBe uses it to store tileset, their objects' descriptions, backgrounds and music names after renaming them
/BUILDTIME Last game build time
/mgvs_sound_data.sdat Minigames music
/sound_data.sdat Main game music
/ARCHIVE/ Contains archives for minigames and download play
/BG_chk/ Contains tile behaviour files for tilesets
/BG_ncg/ Contains bitmaps for tilesets, backgrounds, and tile animations
/BG_ncl/ Contains palettes and palette animations for tilesets and backgrounds, as well as jyotyu palette
/BG_nsc/ Contains tilemaps for backgrounds
/BG_pnl/ Contains tilemaps for tilesets
/BG_unt/ Objects info for tilesets
/course/ It contains all the levels .bin files
/demo/ It contains some cutscene stuffs
/ending/ It contains other ending stuffs (like the tower BG)
/enemy/ It contains the enemies' models and animations
/ipl/ Contains bitmap and palette for DS Download Play banner icon
/map/ It contains all the Worldmap files
/obj/ Contains bitmaps and palettes of in-course sprites
/particle/ Contains particle archives
/player/ It contains player's models and animations
/polygon_unit/ It contains some levels effects, the quicksand files, the pipe graphics, and the End-of-level graphics
/script/ It contains BMG files (used for In-Level pause scripts, Worldmap's pause scripts, and for the Titlescreen's File Select scripts)
/uiStudio/ Contains files related to game UI
overlay7/ It should contain the overlays for the arm7 processor
overlay9/ It contains the overlays for the arm9 processor